Battle Buddy Golf Tournament

Traced all the way back to 15th Century Scotland, the gentleman’s game: Golf. 18 holes on crisp green grass, the sunshine permeating each blade, and with each stroke comes rapture. Through the years, the game as evolved from a symbol of class and wealth to a sport of paralleled intensity and leisure, and now golf has even become philanthropic. Through golf, a doorway to doing good via charity tournaments and events, has been opened. Come this fall, golf has allowed for an opportunity to, not only benefit the good of another, but also a personal interaction with our Nation’s veterans that have sacrificed so much for our freedom to enjoy the game.

Saturday September 6th, 2014, Combat Veterans to Careers is bringing to the Palmer Legends Country Club the inaugural Battle Buddy Golf Tournament. The tournament is a Step Aside Scramble for 4-player teams plus a Combat Veteran “Battle Buddy”.

If you’re interested in playing in the tournament look for more information by visiting the website , calling (352)775-4009, or stopping by the office at 1200 Morse Blvd (Hacienda Hills Country Club), The Villages, or pick up a registration form at one of The Villages Golf Shops. Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities are also available.

54907 CVC Golf registration flyer[1]

CVC Golf registration flyer copy